1000 candles can be lit from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.



Friends make our world a better place, who knows where Ginger Creatures would be without them. I am very lucky to have met the people I have along this journey as they have give me support, inspiration and encouragement. So without spilling all the secrets behind Ginger Creatures here are some I want to shout about. Thank you.

Judy B design the wonder behind all the gorgeous labels.

Sally at Roseberry Floral Design for opening a shop under my home and giving me the push to get started.

Suzie Bou for immense support stocking my candles in the village they are made.

Ashbridge and Brown for their unfailing support always reminding me how well received my candles are.

Little Whims Whitehaven for taking my candles ‘out west’ and recycling my children’s old pens!

Crazy Jakes in Crook for bringing my candles to the north east and so passionately supporting my small business.

Fay at Write Websites for designing the website.